Annual end-of-season dinner meeting tentative date is Tuesday, November 12.

Arbiter has been replaced by DragonFly starting with the 2023 season.  


For help with DragonFly go to https://www.dragonflymax.com/ohio

​​Rules Changes Approved in High School Soccer for the 2024-25 Season may be viewed at the link below and on the LAW CHANGES tab.

Link to NFHS Rules Changes


Your $20 WOSOA dues may be paid at any of the local meetings.

Local Rules Meetings 2024:

Schedule and locations are subject to change pending availability of indoor venues.  Check myOHSAA for the latest information.

​WOSOA plans to host 6 local rules meetings during the pre and regular 2024 seasons.  In addition, OHSAA usually releases at least 2 online video meeting that you can watch at your leisure, during the 2-week period each is available.  There should be no excuse for not getting your 4 required meetings in.

2024 WOSOA local meeting schedule:

You may have already missed:

Thu July 25 7:00 PM Ottawa Metro Park Shelter House, 2632 Ada Rd (SR 81), Lima.
Mon Jul 29 7:00 PM Ottawa Metro Park Shelter House, 2632 Ada Rd (SR 81), Lima.   
Tue Jul 30 7:00 PM Ottawa Metro Park Shelter House, 2632 Ada Rd (SR 81), Lima. 

Sun Aug 11 7:00 PM Ottawa Metro Park Shelter House*, 2632 Ada Rd (SR 81), Lima

Sun Sep 15 7:00 PM Ottawa Metro Park Shelter House*, 2632 Ada Rd (SR 81), Lima.

Sun Sep 29 7:00 PM Bath Community Center, 2501 Slabtown Rd., Lima.
Coming up:


*Bath Community Center is bad weather backup for Aug 11 and Sep 15 meetings.

State Rules Meeting 2024:

Expected to be similar to 2023, which was:

The On-Line state rules meeting is available from myOHSAA starting Mon Jul 17, 9am.  A $50 late fee will be charged for completing it after Tue Aug 15.  It must be completed no later than Tue Sep 4.   OHSAA is trying to migrate everything from myOHSAA to DragonFly.  Access to meetings may be different.

According to the 2017-18 NFHS High School Athletics Participation Survey, soccer is the fifth-most popular sport for boys with 456,362 participants in 12,393 schools across the country. Soccer is the fourth-most popular sport for girls with 390,482 participants in 12,007 schools.


For information about the next USSF to OHSAA Bridge Class go to the Referee Training Page.

Reminder that the Concussion certification is good for 3 years. If your certification has expired, you must recertify and enter your certification information in myOHSAA prior to being able to renew your permit.